Thank you for all your business over the past few years. This year we will be offering honey, bees, and queens to beekeepers in the area. Browse through our products by clicking on a category from this list. As you continue to browse items, the category list to the left will be available in the right sidebar.
Blossomwood Honey will not be selling equipment this year. I have worked with Jon Brumbaugh to have him take over sales of equipment in the Madison County area. Jon is a good friend and knowledgeable beekeeper. He will be graduating from UAH in May with plans to put down roots here in Huntsville. He will be providing the same high quality equipment built by Amish craftsman near Lawrenceburg, Tennessee.

Huntsville Bee Supply
You can order equipment from Jon through his new company Huntsville Bee Supply.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us through email or by phone.
As always, I am happy to answer any questions you have about beekeeping or help you find the information you need.
Some of our Featured Items
April 26th Nucs$220.00
Italian Bee Packages$150.00
Pint (1.5 lb) Honey Jar$18.00