Bill Elliott retired after 35 years in the Huntsville Defense Industry as an senior manager in a local small business. He is now an Alabama Master Beekeeper and enjoys working with other beekeepers helping them with their beekeeping needs, answer questions, and provide quality equipment, queens and bees. He maintains about 80 colonies to produce honey, nucleus colonies and raise queens. The Blossomwood Honey apiaries are inspected annually by the Alabama Department of Agriculture which has issued us a Certificate of Apiary Inspection for 2021.
Blossomwood Honey produces and sells local honey from our apiaries in the Blossomwood area of Huntsville and on Redstone Arsenal. We have roughly 10 hives in 2021 setup for honey production and will likely harvest over 1,000 lbs of honey this year. We harvest in June and October and then sell our honey at local farmer’s markets and at the Oakwood Farms Market at Oakwood University.
We offer locally produced nucleus hives, “nucs” as they are called, for beekeepers to start their beekeeping or expand their apiaries. We purchase some queens and raise queens ourselves from our best stocks. Our queens will be locally mated, laying and marked. In addition, we will offer package bees in the Spring that are purchased from Georgia suppliers.
Check out the links on the menu above to learn more about our honey, bees and queens.